Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ladybug Luck

I saw a ladybug this milky afternoon,
Crawling on the strings of my curtains.
Then, on the edge of the blinds, it moseyed.
Occasionally, failing to the bottom of the window,
But, with grace, persevering to its previous geography
With the advice of its hidden wings-
The wings that hide splashed me with hope;
Though I have fallen seven times,
Blessed am I to fly.
So, it disappeared, accomplished, unabashed
From the fallow lush of my wants.

I saw a ladybug this milky afternoon,
Crawling on the strings of my curtains.
It kept me living.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Of a Friend

But, do you even see me standing right here?

Do you acknowledge my existence, my flesh, in such a way that I am made whole?

I don't know what else to do. I've ridden with you night and day. I helped you move and rearrange. You had nothing, and I became your everything for a heavy moment. You've traveled the veins and capillaries of my heart so should know your way around by now.

You should know...

When I need a word of release to climb out of my bloody trenches.

You should know...

The very moment that I am weak, cussing at the skies, ready to be filled.

I stand here with a banner, hoping for the corner of your eye to grace me with a gaze. If only one lash of your eye would twinkle this-a-way, I would be satisfied.

Maybe you will see my demise. Then, you will know.