Thursday, July 22, 2010

Familiar Chains

It is so easy to get caught up in familiarity. Those comfortable chains that grace your neck so lightly, so tightly. But you know that they are there. You know that you are use to them, but you are afraid of what would happen if you let them go. You have grown accustomed to the little oxygen that you breathe in, because you think these chains are normal.

I confronted one of my many chains, recently. This one was called self.

There was this guy at my church; I really don't know him at all. Instantly, my mind buildt prejudices against him. He was very, very dark. Full of tattoos. Smelled of smoke. Blood-shot eyes. You know, the works.

You see, I admit. I don't know how to deal with certain folks. I feel incompetent when it comes to Agapic, non-stereotypical love. He made me uncomfortable, unsure, unholy.

He walked up to me during the church service, and asked for a bottle of water. My mind instantly yelled, "WHO ARE YOU? WHY WOULD I GIVE YOU ANYTHING!" Then I realized my fatal problem.

Subtle conviction warned me not to think more highly of myself. I need to see everyone with Jehovah's eyes, the eyes of Love. I am to think of others more highly than myself. I believe that happens when you "lay down your life for your friends." Laying down your selfish wants and basic needs for the lives of those created by the same Creator as you were.

In brokenness, I retrieved him a bottle of water. Then, we began to talk. About his tattoos, of course. One of his tats is the name of his daughter. He talked about his great love for her, and how he wanted her to have a great future. We talked about the bible and how he didn't trust it. But he was working on his belief in Jesus.

I need to practice this life of holy uncomfortableness. Loving those who are not like me. Not like the people I hang around. Thinking more highly of those around me than myself.

I believe that is the Kingdom of Heaven that is to come.

"Come break the chains,
The chains that hinder love.
All that remains of yester year.
Come break the chains,
The chains that pull me down.
Come break the chains and draw me near. "

1 comment:


    Philippians 2 is one of my favorite chapters. You quoted some of the key "mind of Christ" verses. I just love that. and then the song lyrics :D

    Yeah, there can be no community... no unity in Christ without the realization of this truth. One must think more highly of others than even of himself.

    After all, this is love.. that you would die for me. Isn't that what Jesus taught?
