Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reverence Over Fear

I have been hearing a lot about fear lately....

The increase of crime.

The discovery of cancer.

The hurt of death.

Especially the wrath God has on this sinful mankind.

I know that I have been taught differently, but when I think about Yahweh, I do not fear. Apprehension's fingerprints are not upon the fields of my mind.

Trust me, I know that God sees my sins and can strike me with lightning, make me destitute, or even turn me into marshmallow soup. But, I am pretty sure that his heart aches for my prosperity. I have asked to be planted, and he has planted me, allowing no man to pluck me up.

So, in the hands of Jehovah, I rejoice. Not in the heavy, suspicious atmosphere of dangerous fear, but in the light, selfless ambiance of his scandalous love for his creation. Dancing in the truth that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Pinned by his grace. Captured by his freedom.

"Sin has lost its power. Death has lost its sting. From the grave, you've risen victoriously."

If death comes, I live in the hands of the One who breathes life.


  1. "I know that I have been taught differently, but when I think about Yahweh, I do not fear. Apprehension's fingerprints are not upon the fields of my mind."--

    I just wrote a blog kind of dealing with where I think you're coming from in this.. to a degree. It's what we are for.. not against.. most of the time that really impacts.

    Even though we revere God... and in a sense have a holy fear.. if our love is strong enough.. and is the real love.. that love which he gives us and we give back to him as a gift for having given us that love (through mercy) in the first place..

    Then our love for HIM will override anything that resembles fear. Even our holy fear won't be something we are just stewing in all of the time.

    HE is for us. What can stand against us then?

    And so, we meditate on HIM & what HE has done.. and not the constant weakness that radiates from within the human flesh.. and in so doing.. we become strong and lose the weakness that was once our human flesh.. and we live by the spirit. And.. it is beautiful! :)
