Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amo. Ergo, Sum.

Descartes is wrong! .... or incomplete, rather.

In my Ethics class today, we discussed his theory of "Cogito, ergo sum" = "I think, therefore, I am." He believes that humans exist, and the bearing of this existence is only evident through the ability to think and comprehend.

Then, we discussed James K.A. Smith, a philosopher who says that there is much more to the human experience than just thinking mechanically.

And there is!

We are not existing just to think. We are not existing only to be individualistic and selfish. We are not existing to be alone. We exist to love!

So, "Amo, ergo sum!" = "I love, therefore, I am!" The passions of my heart drive me into existence--not only my ability to think. I want to be in a community of interdependence, not independence.

I exist to love and to be loved.

Just something to think about.... :D

"Why don't you let me love you more?
This is all that I desire.
Won't you let me love you more?
This is all that I require.
Won't you let me love you more?
This is my deepest heart's desire.
Won't you let me love you more? Still more? Yes, more?" - Misty Edwards

1 comment:

  1. It really is crazy just how much simple love adds to life - and not specifically romantic love either. Just love in general- love for God, others, life... It greatly increases our positive experience of life! I enjoyed this post. Thanks for the thought. :)
