Friday, June 17, 2011

k i n g d o m

Something sacred and whole may have occurred.

He walked up to this greasy countertop,

And slipped off his shoes, shoving them on me

Rewound to April, we sat on the same

Red, uncomfortable cushion, staring at

The words “Do This in Remembrance of

Me.” We sat still, the heavy musical

(Magical) notes of “Jesus is on the

Mainline” swelled in our veins. Alexander.

Alexander was his name. His lips were

Blackened from puffing since he felt thirteen.

His entirety, every tat, every

Wrinkle in his young idea, is a

Direct birth of Washington Addi(c)tion

(the ‘Dition sings the locals). Two guys shot

(Right) down the street. Right, he had known them. A

Gloss slept around the pupils of his eyes-

His eyes that see. “Man, I ain’t got no job,”

He whispered just below the music, words

Yanked out the deep. “I ain’t got nothing now.”

Salvific-Complex erects through a fear-

“I will pray for you!” confidently I

Regurgitated. I was willing to

Eat the once edible. I prayed straight to

The invisible. Fastforward x 2.

“I got the job, young blood! Man, it worked out!”

Fastforward x 4. Pause. Rewind and play.

Something sacred and whole may have occurred.

I hurt because I haven’t slipped out of

Your shoes quietly. “I quit my job this

Morning. Can you pray again? Because the

LORD hears the prayers of the righteous!” Righteous?

Come again? If I am right, I fear wrong.

You suffer, jobless, bills-full and I AM

The righteous? I sit high, and you stay low.

I breathe slow, and you pant the night away.

Blessed are the pot-bellied ones, for theirs

Is the kingdom of heaven, stolen sweet.

Something sacred and whole may have occurred.

And unsacred am I to feel filled in.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Whenever he is around these sprouts of life,
Who bless him with air,
He realizes the pause between
Each Breath.

And the uncertainty of his next.

When it comes,
The welcoming enticement of death
Is gently released
And travels to the next warmth,

Until she finds one who is ready to live.


Naturaleza es muy bonita...
Especially in the heart of Pennsylvania (Penn's Woods).
My eyes feel heavy,
Weighted down with the pure courage

Of every firm tree,
Survived by decadences of the mother's gripe;
Of every blade of grass,
Dancing in the pastel light of the ailing sun;

Of every foot-made pathway,
Treaded on by the flesh of those searching for the mystery of god.
I choose nature.
Not because she is deflowered by regurgitating realists,

Nor due to the privilege that I am given
When weaving around the bases of her sinewy mountains.
But nature and me, we go way back.
In the beginning was life, and it was good.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Lap

Oh my!

I can't decide whether to slap you or embrace you.
With the flip of a dime, your mind changes minute after minute, time after time.
Fancy my courage to even stick around!
You do the things you hate, and hate the things you do.
You point at people with your bigoted, plumb, juice-filled fingers.
Tell me, at least you can tell me, who the heck are you?

You have tricked me so many times...
I don't know how I fell asleep in your lap again.
Man! I said I was gone quit you,
And yet here I go again. Falling and heaving.
I suppose I'll just have to wait till a change comes by,
I'll wait till you chop off all my hair.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aware the Freedom

Today, I noticed the silence between my breaths.
Today, here and now, I felt the silence between breaths.
A place where there is no life nor death.
Just naked awareness; self.

It's at the moment that I really know how I am,
Who I am, whose I am.

I have been taught/forced all my life to "fake it 'till I make it"
But, it is truth that makes me free,
Making me the essence of what freedom is.
So, no matter what suffering comes, I flaunt my freedom status in its face.

No fakehood here.
Only awareness.
No suppression here.
Only freedom.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lost in Transpretation

So many words.

So many beliefs.

So many ways to see one thing.

There were many ways you can skin a cat, they say (since we don't listen to what "they" say to often). Do you skin the being with a knife? Well, what kind of knife? I think my knife is little better than your knife. Wait, but, my knife was a firm foundation- obviously, it is the only tool you use to skin the cat.

Hold on! Why argue over knifes! My cat is better for skinning than ours! One should only have my class of cat when skinning. Anyone without this cat has no life; let the shunning begin.

So many knives.

So many cats.

So many ways to look at one thing.

But, the greatest of these is love.

But, the messiest of these is love.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ladybug Luck

I saw a ladybug this milky afternoon,
Crawling on the strings of my curtains.
Then, on the edge of the blinds, it moseyed.
Occasionally, failing to the bottom of the window,
But, with grace, persevering to its previous geography
With the advice of its hidden wings-
The wings that hide splashed me with hope;
Though I have fallen seven times,
Blessed am I to fly.
So, it disappeared, accomplished, unabashed
From the fallow lush of my wants.

I saw a ladybug this milky afternoon,
Crawling on the strings of my curtains.
It kept me living.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Of a Friend

But, do you even see me standing right here?

Do you acknowledge my existence, my flesh, in such a way that I am made whole?

I don't know what else to do. I've ridden with you night and day. I helped you move and rearrange. You had nothing, and I became your everything for a heavy moment. You've traveled the veins and capillaries of my heart so should know your way around by now.

You should know...

When I need a word of release to climb out of my bloody trenches.

You should know...

The very moment that I am weak, cussing at the skies, ready to be filled.

I stand here with a banner, hoping for the corner of your eye to grace me with a gaze. If only one lash of your eye would twinkle this-a-way, I would be satisfied.

Maybe you will see my demise. Then, you will know.